2008년 12월 30일 화요일

Virgin Mobile fee -$34.83

CVS -$43.88
- Chicken flavored ramen, 6 packs
- SPAM, 1 can
- Easy Mac 6 pack
- CVS brand generic toothbrush
- CVS brand drawstring kitchen trash bags, 1 box
- Kikkoman soy sauce 1 bottle
- Scratch-free Clorox bleach (for bathroom)
- Heavy duty cleaning scrubber (for bathroom)
- AJAX dish detergent

7-11 -$5.08
- 16oz coffee 2 cups

East Side Market -$29.14
- Frozen broccoli, 1 bag
- Poland Spring bottled water 12 pack

Money spent: $112.93
Money left: $19.57

I'm sorry to ask, but I really need more funds. Some birthday money perhaps?

This apartment is disgusting. What I'm eating is disgusting. All this dry pasta that my roommates left in the pantry when they went back home and nothing to eat it with. The broccoli is okay but still, it's frozen and it sucks.

Yay wintersession. I went to the classes that I was SUPPOSED TO BE REGISTERED FOR BUT THEN GOT SCREWED OVER BY and it turns out I'm not the only one who got stiffed or something like that. There was a 30+ waiting list. I got into a Theatre workshop with seems like a relatively easy A with a flexible schedule. The person who I was looking for at the international office was OUT OF THE OFFICE ALL DAY. On top of that, Some douchebag called me at 2AM in the morning by mistake and I couldn't get back to sleep. WTF. I STAYED UP ALL NIGHT BECAUSE OF THIS MORON. MY HEAD LITERALLY HURTS. And I tried to call you like 4 times today since it's the first day back and guess what, THEY COULDN'T CONNECT ME TO THE INTERNATIONAL OPERATOR. AGAIN. WTF ARE WE PAYING THESE PEOPLE FOR? ARE THEY EVEN ACTUALLY DOING THEIR JOBS?!

And I'm hungry. All I ate today was the last of that 미역국 mix mom sent me. I COULD eat some boiled pasta with a cube of chicken broth and rubbery cooked broccoli and that would fill me up even though it tastes like babies' turds but nah, I think I'd rather drill holes in my teeth.

Today totally sucks. Dad, if you read this, please call me.

I still miss you guys. It's just, ugh, today was rough. I need a hug. Or a huge double bacon cheeseburger. With chili fries. Or all of the above.

2008년 12월 21일 일요일

RISD store
Warm white cardstock 3 sheets -$14.46

RISD dining -$31.78

Wire transfer +$300

Church tithing -$50

Whole Foods
- Premade saffron rice and sang paneer -$7.53

East Side Markets (we ended up getting lost on the way to Stop and Shop because Mingzi didn't actually KNOW where it was) -$52.08
- Maruchan ramen creamy chicken 6pack
- Jambalaya rice 2 boxes
- Campbells tomato soup 6 cans
- Generic brand thin spaghetti 2 boxes
- Generic brand dried apricots 2 cans
- Generic brand pepperjack cheese 1 small block
- Colonial brand thin bacon 15 strips
- Heinz kosher dill pickles 1 small jar
- Fresh lemons, 6.

Providence Place mall
Second Time Around
- Bolaro kneehigh flat boots. $50.98 (50% sale)

Borders book store
- Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami $13.95
- The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje $14.95

Money spent:$235.73
Money left: $132.50

And this:
I think this is so hilarious.

2008년 12월 16일 화요일

It's so nice not to use your brain sometimes.
I'm at James' dorm and we're listening to music. James has the best taste in music ever and he used to be a DJ so we're listening to music on the best sound system ever and he's mixing and using his fancy DJ equipment to alter bass levels and everything and it's really amazing. We're waiting for Mingzi from the ID department to go to Stop and Shop to get groceries. Apparently Stop and Shop is much much cheaper than even Shaws, and I already know what I need to get to survive until the semester starts. Evelyn left this morning. I helped her get a cab and print out her tickets and everything. I am already feeling very lonely, but it's a nice kind of lonely. Very warm and comfortable and dry.

How are you all?
I wish you would leave comments so I'm not completely out of the loop all the time.

2008년 12월 11일 목요일

또다시 야간 작업하면서

잠시 쉴겸 옷 구경하는데:

정말 가지고싶다.

근데 가격은 무려 $1800.
닝기미 비비안 웨스트우드 당신은 왜 나의 여린 가슴에 칼을 꽂이시나이까아아아아아아ㅏ아ㅏ아ㅏㅏㅏ앙.

로또 당첨하고야 말테다.

2008년 12월 7일 일요일

밤에 작업하면서 멜랑꼬리해지는데...

아버지, you are my rock, you are my island.

2008년 12월 3일 수요일


음식을 먹을때마다 짜증나고 후회된다. 무엇보다도 돈이 아깝고 또 신경쓰이는게 전에 MBC에 있었을때처럼 점점 뭘 먹을때마다 안정된 포만감 보다는 신경질 날정도로 더부룩하기만 한다. 어제 밤새고나서 영어 파이널 에세이를 교수님이랑 의논하고 학교식당에서 아침 사 먹고 바로 드로잉 수업들어가고 졸지않고 잘 마무리했다. 드로잉 파이널 크리트는 다음주 월요일. 수업 끝나고 저녁 10시까지 잠을자고 또 내일 일러스트 일해가야하는게 있어서 일어났는데 해야할일을 또 생각해보니까 또 밤샐겄같다. 배가고프다. 안 먹으면 밤을 샐수가 없다. 언제 제대로 침대에서 잤는지 잘 모르겠다. 밤이 늦었으니 근처 값싼 곳에 갈수도 없다. 또 식당에서 밥먹고 올라오면서 또 마음속이랑 배속에서 올라오는 신경질과 메스끄러움. 짜증난다. 학기말에 다이닝 포인트가 떨어질수도있다는걸 예상하지 못한 스스로와 물가가 안그래도 비싼데 또 더 오를거라는 주위 소문과 또 몸이 점점 불어난다는 강박관념이 너무 힘들다. 그래, 학기는 이렇게 해서 마지막 이주를 잘 넘기고 작품완성을 정성껏 해나간다는 너무 기쁜일이다. 그다음은? 이렇게해서 불어나는 얼굴과 몸과 작품완성의 process를 facilitate하느라고 들어가는 돈은? 아 짜증 짜증 짜증.

내 원래 마음은 이렇지 않다는걸 엄마는 알아줄것 같다. 피곤하고 스트레스 쌓여서 나오는 말과 생각일거라고 본다. 이렇게 또 쌓인걸 다 풀어놓고 보니까 내 인생에서 넘쳐흐르는 복을 보지 못하고 투정 부리는것 같아서 또 미안하다. 처음 MBC에 갓었을때 늘상 엄마 아빠가 말씀하시던 "객지생활의 서러움"을 그때는 잘 이해하지 못했는데 이제야 조금 알 것 같다.

거희 아침 5시가 다 되가는데 밤 11시 서부터 스트디오에는 나 혼자밖에 없다. 평상시에 같이 일하던 애들은 다들 나가서 놀고있다. 사실은 나도 건너오라고 친구가 전화해줬는데 거절했다. 질투하면 안된다는건 알지만 다들 서로 돈없다 돈없다 하면서 가끔 얘네들이 이렇게 노는거 보면 도대체 얘네가 정말 돈이 없는건지 아니면 나보다 돈이 많아서 상대적으로 돈이 없다고 하는건지 아니면 그냥 내가 이상한건지 모르겠다.

모르겠다. 이제 또 한바탕 엄마 아빠한테 풀어놨으니 또 작업 시작해야지.

I wrote that entry on Wed. and then forgot to post it because I was so tired. Thank god for autosave. 피곤하니까 또 여드름들이 놀자고 한바탕이다. 신경쓰여도 짜면 안되느니라...
거희다 끝나간다. 일러스트 final project artist book의 주제를 뒤늦게 바꿨는데 뭐를 어떻게 해야한지 이제 확실해지니까 그나마 마음이 놓인다. 교수님도 이 새 아이디어를 굉장히 좋아하셨다. 온통 하얀 종이로 깔끔하게 작업해야 하기때문에 한 15분/20분마다 손을 씻어줘야 하기때문에 또 도마뱀 살이 되어버렸다. 이미 엄마의 아쉬운 소리가 들리는데 로션을 발라주면 안된다, 종이에 기름때가 묻어나기 때문에.

엄마하고 요꼬 오노에대해서 얘기했던것을 요즘 들어서 또 생각하고있었다. 학기초에 요꼬오노의 책을 하나 사서 계속 읽고 있었는데 그분이 전달하고자하는 예술적인 영감이랑 내가 전달하고 싶어하는 메세지는 비슷한겄같다. 다 화나고 부셔버리고 싶을 정도로 싫어하고 이해가 안되도 결국에는 이세상 이렇게 많은 사람들 중에서도 그나마 만나서 그런 감정을 느낀다는 것은 얼마나 신기한건가. 그러니까 사랑하라. 지금 새로 작엄하는 나의 artist's book도 비슷다고 느끼게 되었다. 주제가 Hidden Messages인데 사람을 만나면서 우리가 생각하지만 남에게 알리기 싫은 모든 것들: "I'm so bored with you," "We love to watch you fall apart," "WHO ARE YOU?," "All you need is me," "I've been dirt" 기타 등등 을 하얀 종이에 3D입체적으로 새길것이다. 그리고 마지막장에는 이 한마디:

"I am trying to learn to love you more."

뭐 설명하기에 복잠하기도하지만 유치하기도 하고 어쨌는 이 책의 완성은 나도 굉장히 기대하고있다.

거기에다가 여기에 있는 어느정도 사람들은 나보고 파격적이라고 신기해하는 사람도 있고 무서워 하기도 하는 사람들이 있는데 나는 단지 영어라는 기술을 어느정도 구사할줄알기 때문 그냥 나의 생각을 전달할수있는것이다. 요꼬오노는 지금도 보면 그렇게 영어를 잘하는게 아닌데 어느정도로 파격적이고 노력을 했으면 사람들이 마녀라고 할정로 무서웠을까. 거기에다가 그걸 또 어떻게 웃고 "그래, 나 마녀다" 하고 넘겨버릴수 있었는지 신기하다. 요꼬오노의 모든것이 무조건 대단하고 모드를 받아들여한다는건 절대 아니지만 적어도 지금 유학와서 힘들어하는 나에게는 존경하고 본받을만한 사람이라고 생각된다.

Wire transfer +$200

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Charlie Card (subway pass) -$7.00

Amtrak from Boston to Providence -$12.00

RISD Store
20X26 inch paper portfolio folder -$28.95

Symposium Books
Philadelphia Fire by John Edgar Wideman -$13.67

White Rain store brand shampoo -$3.99
Aquafresh toothpaste -$4.79
CVS storebrand fabric adhesive knuckle bandages -$6.13
Icy Hot medicated patch box of 10 (파스) -$16.18
CVS 2-ply toilet paper 6 rolls -$24.99

Virgin Mobile phone bill -$34.83

RISD dining -$24.21

Money spent: $176.74
Money left: $68.23

2008년 11월 26일 수요일

RISD store -$75.74
Heavy weight smooth stock presentation board, 4 sheets, black, 15X20 -$13.68
Gamblin gamsol 1 gallon can -$31.75
Winsor oil paint titanium white 1 large tube -$25.99
3M double sided tape, 1 roll -$4.32

RISD dining -$43.95

Money spent: $119.69
Money left: $44.97

I have eaten nothing during the weekend except for apples and packets of ramen and soup. I am not even buying water - I'm collecting old bottles and filling them with water from drinking fountains in the academic buildings. Suffice to say, I need money help fast because I still have three more finals to go, and two of them require more materials. At least the only thing I need to do for my ENG 101 final is to write a 20pg paper.

PS. I'm going to try and call you guys this evening.

2008년 11월 20일 목요일


Virgin Mobile phone fee -$34.08

RISD store -$120.11
Hard surface drawing clipboards, 2 -$34.50
Grained white paper, 1 sheet -$1.42
White conti crayon, 1 -$3.81
Black conti crayon, 1 -$3.81
Artist's gesso, 1 tub -$29.52
Large slant edge palette knife -$19.23
Wide strip masking tape -$5.16
Small brush for oil -$8.89
18X24 vellum paper 40 sheets/90 lbs -$26.02
The master's oil paint brush cleaner -$10.79

Symposium Books
The Tempest by William Shakespeare -$12.99

Wire transfer +$100

Illustration lab fee (paid via check) -$45.00

RISD dining (for the past 3~4 days) -$76.05

Money spent: 288.23
Money left: $164.66

Okay, this really sucks. I don't care how cold it is outside I am going to go to at least CVS and stocking up on ramen because paying actual money to eat at the dining halls here is so ridiculous. I didn't even realize just exactly how ridiculous it was until I started compiling my accounts today. What on earth, is RISD supposed to stand for Reason I'm So Damn (b)roke?

Oh, I talked to my professor. He was actually kind of rude. But he's not going to fail me as long as I do my work. He was so rude that I actually started to get angry tears. People are retarded. I have so much work. I think I'm turning into a baby; all I want to do is eat and sleep and take baths. I have to finish my oil painting series. I think I'm gaining weight. My skin feels like leather and is really rough and dry and bad and it's freezing here. I really miss you all. I hope Wonsun is doing fine.

Oh, by the way, Angela sent me this link a few nights ago when I was pulling an allnighter and I thought it was so hilarious:


I think we should get Appa a Wii for Christmas. Or his birthday.

There is also a site called Mymomisafob.com
Since I speak both English and Korean relatively fluently and we don't really live in the US, I wouldn't say that you and dad are fobs but I could definitely relate to the entries in that website. Also, some of them are just plain hilarious.

My favourite one from Mydadisafob.com is this:

Americanized daughter: Sup.
Father: Sup.
Americanized daughter: What's up dog?
Father: I am not dog.


Having said that, I just realized that I typed this entire thing in English. Sorry.

I took this pics this morning before I went to class. And when I was outside I screamed "OHMYGOD IT IS FREEZING" and then ran back to get my coat and muffler and gloves. I have to remind myself that just because it's sunny outside it doesn't mean that the weather is warm and nice anymore. New England winters are going to kill me.

2008년 11월 1일 토요일

- Virgin Mobile prepaid cellphone -$34.05
- Maxipads light to heavy flow super pack -$14.89
- Disposable razors 3 pack -$5.26
- L'eggs black opaque thermal tights -$4.71

RISD store -$17.45
- 40"X36" thick grained paper.

Wire transfer +$382

Church tithing -$50

Forever 21
3 pairs of underwear - $11.80

Money spent: $138.16
Money left: $352.89

I ended up staying up all night on Thursday night to finish some papers and some work and I ended up not doing anything for Halloween because I was tired and sleeping.
I wish I had a boyfriend, but the only guys who seem to be interested in me are gay. Maybe I was supposed to be born a boy. Ugh. I miss my family.

2008년 10월 11일 토요일


2008년 10월 3일 금요일

RISD store -$52.39
- Stretcher bars, 2 pairs of 16 inch and 20 inch.
- Lyquin oil paint fast dry, 1 bottle.

Virgin Mobile phone fee -$34.07
Laundry charge -$3.00

Money spent: $89.46
Money left: $109.05

우리 층 세탁기가 $2 밖에 안 한다고 소문내서 학교관리자들에게 알린놈들,
넌 이제 내 손에 걸리면 뼈도 못추린다. 지켜보구있을거야.

유화가 어느정도 익숙해진다.
그래도 힘들어. 아 요번주는 어떻게 좀 어떻게 밤 안샐려고 주말동안에 더일찍 시작했는데..
닝기미 고놈의 유화때문에 또 이틀밤새고.
그사이에 또 다른 수업 준비 때문에 또 거희 밤 새다시피하고.
근데 문제는 유화를 완성 시키는데 내가 그렇게 힘들어한 배경 (한 12시간만 그거 고치느라고 몇번을 칠했다 지원다). 근데 같이 일하고 있던 친구가 나중에 와서 "야 이거 이렇게 해보는거 어때?" 하더니 왓더헬 30분안에 배경 고치고 완성!


이건 좀 너무하지 않나.
닝기미 우리 페인팅 선생이 대단한거다.
늘 내주시는 숙제가 수업내용을 복습하는 숙제가 아니라 전혀 새로운거를 해오라고 한다.
그러니까 우리가 실력이 있다면 8시간안에 끝낼걸 한 48시간 생고생하고나서 비밀을 알아채니가,
닝기미 당연히 우리가 그걸 잊어버리거나 까먹을리가 없지.
미쳤다고 그걸 배우지 않고 맨날 스투디오에서 삽질하면서 살게?
아 진짜 교수에대한 존경심밖에 안난다.
으, 덜덜덜
주말이라고 맘 편한게 아니야 ㅠ.

2008년 9월 26일 금요일

RISD store -$338.18
Oil paints:
-Lemon yellow, cadmium yellow medium, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, burnt umber, terre verte, raw umber, alzarin crimson, cadmium red medium, ultramarine blue, cobalt blue, cerulean blue, lamp black, titanium white (large tube).
Burnt sienna, ultramarine blue.
Refined linseed oil, 1 bottle.
Gamsol, 1 large tank.
Silicoil brush cleaner.
Palette knives (1 pointed fine detail, one square)
Cotton muslin rough canvas
Staple gun.
Canvas stretcher bar, 2 pairs of 16 inch and 20 inch.
Heavy gloss gesso large tub (for prepping canvas)
Fine sandpaper, 5 sheets (for prepping canvas)
The master's oil paint brush cleaner.
Black wax crayon pencil, #3 hardness.
Black wax crayon stick, #3 hardness.

CVS -$14.11
Herbal essense shampoo, 1 bottle.
Maxi pads, 1 box.

Money spent: $352.29
Money left: $198.51

There's still more books I need to buy, but forget that. I'm going to try and take them out of the library and read them first. If not that, THEN I'll buy them. Every time I have to go to the RISD store to get supplies for painting class I almost have a friggin heart attack.

But my professor liked my oil painting the best. HA.
Oil painting actually really fun. It's just really time consuming. Right now I'm getting ready to prep for the next paintings I'm doing. I have to do one oil painting for painting studio, and another for illustration studio (our professor gave us an extra week - THANK GOD). I'm going to do the painting for illustration in acrylic paint though. That will be quicker and I won't run out of paint as easily.

Did you know that oil paint dries REALLY SLOW? It's still in the cabinet in the illustration studio building because I don't want to touch it before it dries and then ruin it, because I worked SO HARD on that thing.

I'll call you tomorrow!
It's raining so hard right now.

2008년 9월 22일 월요일

Okay, so I'm in the illustration studio right now taking a short break from my oil painting and using Evelyn's laptop. I just wanted to say wtf people in Providence are SUCH BAD DRIVERS. I was crossing the street from the illustration building to 15 West to get dinner and THE WALK SIGN WAS ON and some STUPID TAXI ALMOST RAN ME OVER. WHAT THE HELL. THE WALK SIGN WAS ON AND THAT THE RED LIGHT FOR TRAFFIC WAS ON TOO. YOU ALMOST MADE ROADKILL OUT OF ME YOU STUPID DRIVER.

I crossed myself over with the lords prayer after that becase thank god that the car didn't hit me but the car didn't even fucking slow down or anything. I HAD TO FRIGGIN JUMP OUT OF THE WAY.

Thank god.

Now back to my painting.

2008년 9월 20일 토요일

Wire transfer +$482

Church tithing -$50

Books -$48.07
Intertextuality by Graham Allen
Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino

RISD store -$117.21
Rough grain thick painting paper 2 sheets 18X24
Oil paint bristle brushes, 1 large, 1 medium
Regular acrylic and oil paint soft brushes, 1 large 1 medium
Acrylic and oil paint detail fine point brush
Oil paint glass palette
Glass jar
Artist's masking tape, black 1 roll

Electrical surge protector -$22.03

Money spent: $237.31
Money left: $550.80


2008년 9월 18일 목요일

Illustration studio crit went well. I have a lot of good ideas, but size is a problem. If we had more time I'd be able to make it the size I want to.... like, 4 feet wide size. Right now I'm in the middle of reading and making up work for my English class. Wish me luck.

2008년 9월 12일 금요일

Illustration Studio: AMAZING.
Oren Sherman is our professor, and I really do believe that he must be one of the best professors here ever. Right from the bat he stated that he doesn't think that the word "commercial" is ugly. Commerce is vital to art, which seems like a paradox but it really isn't. Fine Arts people who say that Illustration is a commercial art are stupid, because as long as there is a consumer, then you ARE a commercial artist. The difference between Fine Arts and Illustration is that in Illustration, you learn to EXPLAIN and COMMUNICATE your own ideas through someone else's concept.

More things that were so amazing:
- Failure is great, as long as you put in at least 12 hours into it.
- Don't perform; work hard and EARN.
- We will grow up to COMMUNICATE with our peers.
- FUN, FAME, and FORTUNE: two out of three of these means a SUCCESS.
- Religious paintings are fine art, but they are also the first ever Illustrations.
- Beauty and Violence are the universal drama of humanity.
- The best illustrations/fine art gets you IN to the story, explains it, and then gets you OUT.
- 나 자신에게 재미있고 인상적이어야 남 한테도 재미있고 인상적이다. If it's not fun for you to do it, then it won't be fun to your audience. In this sense, 에술가들이야말로 정말 가장 이기적인 사람들이다. (나 일러스트 정말 잘 고른것같지않아요? ㅋ)

He also warned us: "DO NOT LOOK AT MY ART. My own personal style and preference has nothing to do with this class, so don't try to imitate it to get good grades. I'm here to teach about how I got here, not what I do, and I do not want to influence your OWN career negatively. I'm here to influence you about how you can also become successful in your own way and have your OWN careers while having fun in life, because life is too short to be boring, and I am sure this is what we BOTH want."

My HW is to take Frankenstein, read it, and connect to it from personal experience. Think deep about the story and how it relates to your own person. We are not going to "illustrate" this book so NO DRAWINGS of actual Frankenstein. We will have our own interpretation.

English Class: BAD.
If Illustration Studio was super amazing, then English class was the exact opposite. Our professor is in fact NOT a professor, but an INSTRUCTOR from the University of RI. Apparently there were so many people who had to take this class that they hired her or something. Plus, she is exactly like Ms. Johnson. No, I will not stand for this. I am paying a FORTUNE to be educated here, so I refuse to be instructed by someone who isn't even tenured. I am going to the Registrar, my Liberal Arts Department, AND my Illustration Advisor to discuss this and switch to a different English class that has an ACTUAL professor before it's too late. I am not going to sit around and let bad things happen. I love this school too much to actually come here and let things go bad. I am taking ACTION.

2008년 9월 10일 수요일

Virgin Mobile phone fee -$34.07
Laundry charge -$2.00
18X24 smooth vellum -$21.15
Square crayon tablet -$5.00
8mm ruled college standard notebook, pack of 2 -$6.99

Money spent: $69.21
Money left: $306.11

I had my first class today! Drawing for Illustration studio with Prof. Nick Palermo. He is an awesome teacher, so far. He is so encouraging and he keeps on emphasizing that even if we don't like our drawings, we shouldn't be disappointed since it's only a process to the amazing things that we will apparently create in the future, however far off that will be.

Tomorrow I have just Illustration studio with Prof. Oren Sherman. So far I have heard only good things. What I'm dreading is my Painting studio class for Illustration, because we're going to be using oil paints, and that's expensive. We still haven't gotten our supply list yet, but I think that I'm going to need some more money in my account before the weekend because I talked to Jinho (who is a painting major) and she told me that she spent $400 on supplies JUST TODAY. WTF. IS THIS SCHOOL SERIOUS.

This is my schedule:
MONDAY: Painting Studio with Andrew Watel 1:10~6:10
TUESDAY: English Composition & Lit 1 with Bryna Siegel 1:10~2:40
WEDNESDAY: Drawing Studio with Nick Palermo 11:20~4:20
THURSDAY: Illustration Studio with Oren Sherman 1:10~6:10
FRIDAY: English Composition & Lit 1 with Bryna Siegel 1:10~2:40

Don't let the schedule fool you. After this first week everyone everywhere on this campus will be literally be living in studio. I already have Drawing homework. But it's okay because my professor is AWESOME. What's not so AWESOME is spending so much money on frigging OIL PAINTS. And probably CANVAS. and CANVAS STRETCHERS. wtf, NO. DO NOT WANT.

Okay, okay, whatever. I can still do this.

2008년 9월 8일 월요일


순서대로: 오늘 아침 convocation 가기 전에 찍은 모습, 같이 장보러 갈때 Daniel, german student Adrian, 그리고 마지막으로 Andrew.

Convocation 때 John Maeda가 신 말씀 중에서 가장 인상 깊었던게 "everyone at RISD, if you are here, you did not get here all by yourselves. You all had a mentor, or people who supported you. And you should always want to give these gifts back. This is why you are here."

그리고 또 팜플랫에 쓰여저있던 문구 중에서 또 인상이 강했덩것은:

"Only a strong woman can stand up to her fate, for her inner security enables her to endure to the end. This strength shows itself in uncompromising truthfulness (with herself). It is only when we have the courage to face things exactly as they are, without any sort of self-deception or illusion, that a light will develop out of events, by which the path to success may be recognized. Only the woman who goes to meet her fate resolutely is equipped to deal with it adequately. Then she will be able to cross the great water."

맞는 말이다. 운이 나빠서 성공을 못하는 것이아니라, 우리는 다 성공할수있는 기운을 타고 났다. 단지 우리가 부족해서, 고난을 인내를 하지못해서, 또는 끝까지 일을 침착하게 지켜볼수가 없어서 성공이라는 종점에 도달하지 못하는 것일거다. 하느님은 우리가 풀지 못할 문제를 주시지않는다... 맞고 또 맞는 일인것 같다. 나는 catholic으로서 "하는님"이라는 길을 통해가고, buddhist는 nirvana라는 길을 통해가고, 아무리 과학이 최고라고 하는 atheist이라 해도 "우주"나 "divine mathematics" 라는 인간들이 풀지 못하는 미스테리한 어떠한 존재를 통해 길을 가는 것 같다. 여기에 있어서 너무나 감사하다. 세계속에서 내가 일을하고 성공하고 사회에 환원하며, 그리고 또 my life 이기도 때문에 나도 즐겁게! 살아갈수있었으면 좋겠다.

2008년 9월 6일 토요일

I ordered this a few days ago and forgot to post about it. Sorry ):

From Amazon.com (all books including Speedy shipping) -$50.57
- Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
- The Power of Myth, Joseph Cambell
- Grapefruit, Yoko Ono
- Blankets, Craig Thompson

Money spent: $50.57
Money left: $375.32

The books arrived today, which means I have the entire weekend to try and read ahead.

RISD convocation is on the 8th of Sep. Monday at 11AM.
Classes start on the 10th of Sep. Wednesday at 11:20AM. Strange way to start the semester, right? I'm still excited, however, haha.

2008년 9월 4일 목요일

International Orientation today at 8am in the painting department building. I didn't need to go since I'm a transfer and I already got my passport and 1-20 copied like, in JUNE but I went anyways because apparently there was supposed to be free breakfast. No breakfast; just coffee and stale cookies. Yuck. I did go because I remembered and thought that maybe Kangsung would be there. He wasn't, but Joy from TCIS was. I said hello and then I left after the first meeting was over because the rest of the orientation was just about getting documents copied and finding out how to get around on campus, and shopping trips. Eh, I don't need any of that. I think maybe I'll go to the International student ice cream get together in the evening maybe since theres free ice cream, and maybe to meet some other international students.

2008년 9월 2일 화요일

Okay, so, oops.

2008년 8월 29일 금요일

I finished moving! Probably around 6PM. Mostly because 짐을 한꺼번에 옮길려고 orange cart를 빌릴려고 1층 public safety office으로 내려갔는데 왠 백인 여자애가 자기 짐 옮기느라고 5개를 혼자서 다 예약해놨다. 왓더핼, 한 사람 짐을 옮기는데 crate 5개를 쓴다고? 정말? 진짜로? 응? 그런거야? 응? 응?

결국에는 혼자서 직접 옮겼다. 6층에서 4층을 왔다갔다하는 반복적인 육체적 노동. 그리고 새로운 카드키가 전에있던 방문을 열어주지 않아서 까끔 다시 내려가는 1층의 public safety office. 그래, 지금 이사가는건 건물 채 옮기는게 아니여서 인성과 인내심을 키워주느라고 학교에서 짐꾼을 보내주지 않은것이구나 허허, 허, 허허허허허, 으허, 허.

뭐, 그래도 짐을 옮기고 방안에있는 가구를 (나에게 편리하게) 대충 옮겨놓고는 너무 피곤해서 잠들어버렸다. 으어, 책장 조립은 내일 아침에 해야지. 룸메이트는 다음주에 온댄다. 그래, 내가 일찍 와있는 만큼 나에게 맞게 다 바꿔놔야지. 메롱.

아, 이메일 확인해보니까 일러스트 교수님 중 한분이 수업 시작하기 전에 읽어오라고 책 두권 내주셨다. Frankenstein 이랑 The Power of the Myth. 내일 또 책 사러 가야겠군.

2008년 8월 27일 수요일

International wire transfer +$482.00

Church tithing (set aside) -$50

New school 15 West building access card -$6.00

Laundry charge -$2.00

SHAW'S grocery store -$57.20
- Yellow nectarines 2lbs
- White peaches 2 lbs
- Pre-packaged salad greens, 2 bags
- Brie cheese spread (for sandwiches)
- One whole sausage
- Shaw's bacon, 20 thin slices
- Jambalaya rice mix, 1 box
- Salad dressing, 1 small bottle
- Soy sauce, 1 small bottle
- Sesame oil, 1 small bottle
- Whole milk, 1 carton
- Vegetable juice, 1 bottle
- Store brand bread, 1 loaf
- Storebrand peanut butter, 1 small jar

Money spent : $115.20
Money left: $425.89

I had to pay for a new ID card because before the new room at 15 West was mine they just gave me a temporary access card for the summer. Now that I'm living here I need an actual card of my own.

I went to the RISD museum today before going to the grocery store. 한국인 학생 작품이 정말로 많다! 물론, 학생 작품은 전체작품의 10분의 1도 안되지만. 학교내에서 이런 박물관이 있다는게 놀랍다. 아주 크지는 않지만, sculpture에서 painting에서 또 에술적 가치가있는 여러 나라 유물들도 있다는. 거기다가 디자인 쪽 작품들도 있다.

사실 오늘 마트에서 갑자기 장조림이 너무 먹고싶어져서 대충 장조림 만들거리를 (마늘, 생강, 설탕, 간장, 계란, 홍두께살... 이거 맞죠?) 이거서것 카트에다가 넣어놨다가 이걸 정말 사서 만들어먹을까 말까 한참 계산대 근처에서 고민했다는. 안사고 그냥 왔지만 방학때 집에가면 엄마 좀 부탁해요 ㅎㅎ

2008년 8월 26일 화요일

Ok so as it turns out I've been too busy working out the details to how and when I'm going to move to my NEW 15 WEST DORM APARTMENT and doing laundry that I haven't been able to go to the grocery store. Uhm, I guess that's okay, since I still have more soup and rice in the kitchen. I'll make some rice stew! Or something else that's edible, hahahaha.

P.S. I love you.
I'm in the middle of packing and organizing again :D

2008년 8월 23일 토요일

아빠 제가 일부로 끊은게 아니라 핸드폰 배터리가 나갔어요 ㅠ
여기서 잘 아껴먹고 잘 살게요 핸복하게 잘 지내세요

2008년 8월 19일 화요일

The weather is getting cooler nowadays. I don't know what to do with myself these days sometimes. Other than camping out at the Financial Aid office and staying in my room, there really isn't much to do. I wish the semester started so I could go around doing something substantial.

Hahaha, now that I have a lot of food, I kind of really DON'T want to eat it because if I start eating it then it will all be gone :( Hahahahaha.

I never thought I'd say this, but I really miss my family.

I've been writing a lot nowadays. This is good, I have sat down and written much in a long time.


2008년 8월 17일 일요일


- Rice cakes
- Dried fruit and nut mix, 1 small bag
- Can opener
- Hair conditioner
- Chicken salad
- Sweet corn, 3 cans
- Tomato soup, 3 cans
- Chicken soup, 1 can
- Dry noodles, 1 box

SHAW's grocery store -$58.61
- Yellow nectarines, 2lbs
- Green seedless grapes, 2lbs
- Prepackaged salad greens, 2 bags.
- Lowfat Italian dressing, 1 small bottle
- Hummus, 1 tub
- Ramen, 10 packs
- Instant coffee, 1 jar
- Easy boil rice, 2 boxes
- Zatarinos rice seasoning, 2 boxes
- Whole milk, 1 pack
- Processed cheese, 20 slices
- White cheddar, 1 small block
- Smoked bacon, 15 slices
- Storebrand bottled water 1.5L, 3 bottles
- McCormicks salt and pepper
- Chicken broth powder, 1 small jar

Money spent: $82.41
Money left: $59.09

Eh, I was thinking about maybe going to Boston tomorrow, but I decided today that I would rather eat well than spent money on trainfare and then ending up buying food at a restaurant.

두번 일보기 싫어서 많이사기는했지만 대충 학기 시작하기전까지는 잘 아껴먹을수있을것 같다! 과일이랑 야채가있다는게 너무 행복하다는!

2008년 8월 14일 목요일


Library printing access card -$6.00
Library printing access debit charge -$2.00

CVS -$4.29
Storebrand honey, 1 small jar

Money spent -$12.29
Money left -$141.50

배탈난것 같다 =_= 끓는 물에 꿀 타먹고 침데와 화장실을 왔다갔다;;
내일 괜찮아 지겠지. 전화 못받아서 죄송해요;;
아빠, 이멜 받으셨죠? Is that all you needed, or is there something else I should also check for you at Student Accounts? Like I said, since the wire transfer you sent is dated, you don't have to worry about it getting here late. :)

2008년 8월 13일 수요일

Money I had: $6.33


International wire transfer: +$300

Church tithing - $30

Virgin Mobile cellphone charge -$34.06
Virgin Mobile Top-Up extra charge -$25.00

Salvation Army -$15.07
- Ceramic bowl, 1
- Used pot, 1
- Used chopsticks, 1 pair
- Used fork, spoon, knife

CVS -$46.41
- Cavity protection toothpaste
- Laundry bleach
- Dishwashing scrub
- Dishwashing soap
- Toilet paper, 6 rolls
- Tomato soup, 3 cans
- Dry noodles, 1 box
- Milk, one bottle
- Cheese
- Storebrand water 1 12-bottle-pack.

Laundry charge -$2.00

Money spent: $152.54
Money left: $153.79

I'm in the middle of trying to figure out how I can go about changing my cellphone plan, because I don't think I need so much of an expensive option since I don't really need to chat with my friends on the phone that often. 거기에다가 핸드폰 차지+Top-up (바로 돈 안빠지면 서비스를 일정 기간동안 제공하면서 가지고가는 차지)만 내는대 들어온 돈의 5분의 1이 나가니 이게무슨 웃긴짓인가. I walked so much today trying to find out where on earth Salvation Army was because I really didn't feel like dropping $40+ on a new pot and eating utensils. 중고(?)이긴 해도 속에다가 물끓이고 죙일 박박 수세미로 밀어주니까 그래도 꾀 쓸만해보이는것 같다!

일단 막을것을 막고 당장에 필요한것들을 사긴했지만 더더욱 아끼지 못한것같아서 너무너무 미안하다. 정말 잘해야지 나때문에 늘상 가족 쪽이 힘들어하는것같아 가슴이 아프다. 정말 잘해야겠다. 아니, 잘할것이다.

I went looking around the 15 West dorm and some RISD student who was moving out gave me his old foldable wooden bookshelf. I'm going to go around and try to freegan things before the semester starts. It's a really good bookshelf too; almost new.

I love you all. Bye.

2008년 8월 12일 화요일

This was taken while I was packing & cleaning my old dorm room. 그래서 뒤에 배경이 어질어져있음 ^^; 짐가방 어딘가에 카메라랑 코드가 있는데 못찾아놨어요;

Haha I never take pictures of myself nowadays. 몸에 장난치는거 안하니까 그건 걱정 마시고.
I called the Bank of America office today. They only have certain days when they process international money transfers so I think I have to wait until tomorrow. I got some food from Jinho unnie so I'm good.

OH, I went to the financial aid office today but there was the same response. If you are not a taxpaying citizen, you are not entitled to RISD financial aid. BUT the good news is that I met THE PRESIDENT of RISD Ms. Denise Siomkin and she asked for my name and phone number and that she would call me if she could find anything.


2008년 8월 11일 월요일

Thanks for the phonecall yesterday. I'll make sure to do my accounts daily now.
No money spent yesterday or today. The money you sent me hasn't showed up yet but I'm assuming it will show up by tomorrow so no worries. I just ate the last of my cereal and I'm going to go to the Financial Aid office again at 2PM since I don't want to barge into the office when everyone is gone for their lunch break.

Thanks mom, dad, Wonsun for putting up with my troubles. I'll make sure to do well and make you all proud.

I love you.

2008년 8월 8일 금요일

I had $31.25 left at the start of this week.

CVS -$15.06
- CVS brand 1.5L bottled water, 3 bottles.
- 12 eggs.

CVS -$0.99
- Crunchy Cheetos, 1 small bag.

CVS -$8.87
- Easy Mac 6 pack.
- CVS brand 1.5L bottled water, 1 bottle.
- Maruchan Beef flavored ramen, 2 packs.

TOTAL: $24.92

So today is the last day of precollege so I teamed up with a precollege girl to get some food.
I'm sorry that the accounts took so long but at least they're done now.
I really need money for groceries because today is the last day that the dining hall is open and I have NO MONEY for food. I also need to pay my phone bill, but there isn't even enough money in my account for that. I'm really sorry to nag, but I kind of need help right now. Sorry, and thanks.

Accounts previous to the $800 you sent me:

Starting amount: $500
- Lipton green tea -$1.70
TF Green Airport
- Go cart fee -$2.00
- Airport shuttle to RISD 30 Waterman -$11.00
06/22/2008 WALMART -$105.91
- 10 plastic hangers
- Travel size hair dryer
- Flatiron for hair
- 1 bathroom towel
- Cuddlesoft fabric softener
- Walmart brand shea butter body lotion
- 1 plastic shaving razor
- Cotton balls
- LED Alarm clock
- Hair elastics
- Hair jawclip
- Ethernet netword cable
- Nail polish remover
- Pantiliners
- Mini travel deoderant
- Nail kit
- Medicated face scrub
- AAA battery 4 pack
- Walmart brand shampoo mini
- Lucky you hair conditioner
- Aerosol air freshener
- Walmart brand wristwatch
- WALMART roundtrip
RISD STORE -$92.49
- Stones tablet crayons #3
- Stones rubbing ink medium
- Stones crayon 1/2” square tablet
- Litho rubbing ink, soft
- Papermate flexigrip black
- Strathmore 443-18 Drawing paper
- GR/BK 18X25 cutting mat
- Seth Cole 18X24 Newsprint
- Alvin Sketchboard 23X26
06/23/2008 RISD STORE
- Lithographic crayon pencil #1
- Lithographic crayon pencil #3
- Lithographic crayon stick 2” pack of 2
- Chipboard 26x38 2 sheets
- Elmers glue
06/24/2008 RISD STORE -$107.79
- Essential 2300 royal binder
- Filo protect non-glare pockets
- Murano Storm metal ruler
- Murano Platinum triangle
- Bristol Artist’s sketchpad
- Tracing vellum 20lbs
- Sketch Vellum 18X24
- Best Test rubber cement
- Utility blades
- X-acto X3601 #1 knife
- X-acto No.11 blade
- Best Test rubber eraser
- Armada protective scissors
06/28/2008 Laundry charge -$2.00
06/30/2008 RISD STORE -$51.69
- Strathmore grained paper
- Char-Kole compressed 12 pack
- W&N Soft Vine 3 sticks
- Tuff Stuff eraser stick
- X-acto gripster
07/02/2008 RISD STORE -$13.98
- Galeria acrylic paint 1 tube large Black
- Galeria acrylic paint 1 tube large white
TOTAL: $499.17

2008년 8월 7일 목요일

So I moved into 15 West yesterday. It went smoothly except for the fact that we the movers only brought our stuff to the entrance of the library/residence hall.
We had to utilize storage carts to bring all the things ourself. The good thing is that I had the least amount of things. Everyone else needed 5/6 carts to bring everything up. I only needed one.

짐을 새 방으로 옮기고 대충 정리하고나서 앤드류한테서 전화가 왔다. 앤드류랑 같이 밥먹고 얘기하고 나서 앤드류는 다시 뉴욕을 향해 떠났다. 어쩌면 금요일날 여동생 짐 옮기는거 도와주러 올지도 모른다고 그때 또 보자고 약속하고 나는 다시 기숙사에 올라와서 방 정리하다가 일찍 잤다.

2008년 8월 5일 화요일

They also left my windows open while the painted the outside of the house.
And right now I'm using industrial cleaner to get the charcoal and crayon stains out of my walls.
Paint smell + industrial cleaner smell = @%^$#&#&Y%$UW$Y%$%WUQ^#@%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't stand this.
So I'm in the middle of packing up and cleaning up before RISD moves me to 15 West, right?

I can't deal with this.
I can't find my light sculpture in the studio.
If it turns out that someone stole it then I will NOT BE VERY HAPPY.

Why won't these retards just let me be.
I just want to RELAX before the semester starts. Is that too much to ask?

2008년 7월 31일 목요일

오늘도... 밤을 하야게 새어버렸다.
일주일 만에 시리즈물로 작품을 만들어오라고 요구를 한단 말이냐?!?!?!?!?!!?!

자 자 릴렉스.
샤워하고 기분이 조낸 꾸린만큼 어여쁘게 차려입고~
아침먹고 또다시 수업들어갑시다 자자~

2008년 7월 30일 수요일

3D final 끝!!!!
아, 너무 힘들었지만 crit시간때 선생님이 엘레강스~한 작품이라고 칭찬하셨다. 유휴!
선생님께서 사진까지 찍어주셨다는 ㅋㅋ 아 다른 선생님들은 그렇게 안해주셨는데.
나도 이제부터 사진기를 가지고 다니면서 작품 사진을 좀 찍어 두어야겠다.
아빠, 아빠 이메일에 3D 작품 사진 보냈어요~

이제는 2D final 하나만 남았다!!!!!

2008년 7월 28일 월요일

Final project를 교실에 일찍 걸어놓을려고 건물을 향해서 달려가는데 미술가방이 터져버렸다. 닝기미. 거기에다가 내 작품은 오늘 critique안하고 내일로 미루어졌다. 왓더핼.

뭐 궁시렁 거리지말고 다음 수업 final project나 열심히 해서 끝내야지.

아 아빠 여름동안에 학교에서 지낼수 있데요.
샤워하고 30분 쉬었다가 또 스트디오 가야지. 헤.

2008년 7월 25일 금요일

Finals week: starting now.
This is exhausting.

2008년 7월 23일 수요일

몸이... 늙어가고있다 =_=
비가 올때마다 전교생이 몸이 욱신거린다고.
오늘은 2D 숙제를 끝마쳐야 한다. 어제 좀 해놓을려고 했는데 수업 끝나고 너무 피곤해서 저녁먹기전에 일어날려고 시계맞춰놓고 낮잠을 잤다. 그러나 나의 귓구멍은 알람소리을 상콤하게 무시해버리고 나는 9시 저녁에 일어났다는.

@$#*%@&#%(#!*%!%!%!도대체왜!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 뷁
그러므로 나는 오늘 또다시 예술을 위해 버닝한다. 프로그램 시작날짜때 산콤한 미소와 빤짝이는 눈을 소유하던 모든 학도들은 우리 다같이 좀비족이 되었다는~ 하하하하하핳앟아앙아핳ㅏㅏ...... 닝기미.

그래도 작품을 완성할때 기분은 정말 어떻게 비교할수가 없다.
너무 감사하다. 항상.

2008년 7월 21일 월요일

IT IS SO HOT AND HUMID HERE. It just rained and now it's even worse than before. I can't believe that we only have two more weeks of the summer program left. This is intense and I can't wait for it to be over, but I also think that I'll miss the intensive training that we're getting. Hahaha. Okay so today we went over with ink wash. This is basically in india ink and I came to class READY (meaning, I wore all black) since ink wash will not ever come out of your clothing. The good thing is I'm not as messy as some other people, so I think the possible staining problem is a bare minimum. I just came back from dinner and the sight of food made me feel nauseous. I just picked at some of the taquitos they were serving and got a whole bunch of apples and some water and coffee.

Oh, I'm almost done with the medicine. I think in two days it will all be gone.
I'm off to get ready to go to the studio and work on my 3D light sculpture now. Bye bye bye.

2008년 7월 16일 수요일

We started on our 3D final projects. We are supposed to make a light sculpture inspired by natural organic objects. I chose an artichoke. We started on our test models today and I think my professor liked mine. Wee.

Wet charcoal is so terrible; my fingers will never be clean again. Awwwwwwwwz.
I feel a lot better now. I'm getting used to the food (which is both a good and bad thing.) Oh, by the way, thanks for the email dad. Nice to know that my parents will still love me even if I get fat. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAAAAHAAAHAAHAHAHAAAAAA.

I love you too.

2008년 7월 14일 월요일

Today at drawing class we started with WET CHARCOAL.
I hate charcoal because it's so messy and it gets into the air and you can't help but breathe it in everytime. I hate WET CHARCOAL even more because it's even messier and it dyes every part of the skin it comes into contact with into a sick greyish color and you can't ever get it out. Ever.

I'm sure my 3D professor hates it even more since we have to work with really expensive WHITE museum art board and our grubby little charcoal fingers can't help but leave dirty fingerprints everywhere.

Dinner sucked. I gave in and ate a bacon cheeseburger. I feel fat. Now I have to lug all of my crap downhill and work in the studio. YAY ART SCHOOL.

2008년 7월 13일 일요일

I'm so sorry! I took a nap yesterday evening and I didn't even wake up and I slept straight through until the next morning. I can't say how sorry I am... I will call you this evening sharpish! I'm so angry at myself for sleeping yesterday... Now I have to do so much more stuff on top of laundry..
I was going to call yesterday but I was so tired I took a nap and didn't wake up until this morning!!!

I'm so sorry I will call today sharpish. I'm finishing my drawing homework right now. There's a marathon thing going on outside of my dorm and it's so loud because the people who are watching are shaking bells and yelling like mad.

I'm still on my period and I'm so, so tired.

2008년 7월 10일 목요일

My drawings!

I started my period today. Ugh. I think I'll go to sleep early tonight.

2008년 7월 8일 화요일

무슨 미술보드 용지가 한장에 $20씩 한단 말인가 ㅠ
I'm so glad I'm here as a transfer because if I had to spend THIS MUCH MONEY on supplies for an ENTIRE YEAR I think I would go crazy D:

2008년 7월 7일 월요일

그래 내가 두고 보자들했지 이녀석들아 하하하하ㅏㅏ.
하하 이제는 이 winning streak를 유지하는게 관건인데... 음 꿔준히 잘할수 있을거야.
We did full out charcoal drawings today and it was so fun but so gross. 꼬딱지가 여기저기 날리는 charcoal 가루 때문에 그냥 회색인것도 아니라 아예 새까맣다. 아 또 수업중에 교수님이 놀라움을 금치 못하면 어떻게 이렇게 잘하게됬냐고 물으셨다. 나는 태연하게 "저 원래 잘해요..." 라고 대답은 절대 않했고 그냥 수줍게(?) 웃으면서 이렇게 말씀드렸다:

"I really wanted to tackle the subject material that we are using and trying to learn about, because I really have zero experience with the majority of the supplies we are using as well as having no actual art studio experience as well. If I were a freshman student, then I probably would have had more time to become accustomed to the curriculum, but since I'm only a transfer, I really don't have that luxury. I just want to take advantage of the work we are doing right now."

그래. 사실은 남이 들으면 좀 짜증낼지도 모르는 대답이고, 사실 나는 뭔가 좀 superiority complex 도 있지만, 그 순간에는 정말 그렇게 느꼈고 지금도 그렇다. 나는 내가 진짜 남들보다 뭔가 좀더 이쁘고, 매력적이고, 똘끼 있고 잘났다고 생각한다 (다른 사람이 들으면 밟혀죽을 말들 ;;). 하지만 이건 단순한 자만심이 아니라 내 자신에대한 믿음이라고 생각한다. 내가 스스로를 이렇게 믿는 만큼 남들보다 leaps and bounds 를 뛰어 넘는 노력을 해야하지 않을까? 단지 나는 이 영정을 계속할수 있기를 바랄 뿐이다.

아 참고로 은행계좌를 방금 확인했는데 돈이 지금 들어왔어요!! 역시 주말 시간에 걸려서 오래걸린것 같아요. 일단 핸드폰 사고 장볼거 정리하고 시간날때 사러가야지.


2008년 7월 6일 일요일

Art students are the dirtiest people in the world. 아 막 손이 흑인 손같아 ㅠㅠ
지금 저녁 먹으러 간다음에 다시 가서 그림 마무리 지어야지.
침구 뒷통수 사진을 찍어놔서 스테치 한다음에 그리고 있다는.
아 살 찌는것 같아. 정말이지 얘네는 왜 이렇게 기름 진 음식만 줄까....

2008년 7월 3일 목요일

아 ㅋㅋ 맞다 여기 같이 transfer program듣는 언니랑 저녁을 먹었는데 얼마나 힘들었는지 그저께밤 혼자서 숙제하다가 "내가 무슨 부귀영화를 누릴려고 이지랄을 하나" 하고 딱 10초간 멜랑꼬리하고 다시 열심히 일을했었다는. 우린 강력하다구~ ㅋ

아, 안 웃긴가? 그때 들은 사람들은 엄청 웃었는데, ㅎㅎ
I went to sleep at 2:30AM last night. Trust me, I'm not the only one. Summer Transfer Program = RISD freshman year workload condensed into 6 weeks. This is really intense.

So far I think I'm good with my professors though.
Except for my drawing teacher. Pshaw.

Oh, so okay, right now RISD is full of precollege kids. 얘네들은 뭐 그냥 돈있고 그림 좀 그린다고 생각들해서 정말 돈 쳐발라놓고 썸머 캠프 처럼 놀러 온 애들 이다. 정신 상태가 그렇다보니 듣고 보니까 일요일날 수업 시작도 하기전에 이미 쫓겨난 애들이 3, 엊그제 또 쫓겨난 애들이 2. 그냥 좀 보기가 안 좋다. 여기에서는 precollege 와 진짜 다니는 학생을 구분하는 방법은 손부터 보는거다. 장담하건데 precollege애들은 손톱을 길러 놓고 살이 보들보들하고 매니큐어와 로션을 듬뿍 발라놓은 손이다. 그러나 우리들은 페인트나 기타 그림재료가 손톱 밑에 끼지 않도록 최대한 짧게 잘라놓았고, 로션을 바르면 작업하는 종이/보드/재료 다루는데 얼룩이 진다거나 기구를 사용한때 미끄러지므로 여기서는 로션바르면 제정신이 아닌거다. 거기다가 우리들에게는 손을 설겆이 수세미로 갖다 밀어도 절대 안빠지는 charcoal 가루가 뼈속까지 배어...있지는 않고 뭐 어쨌든 손결을 원래 상태로 되돌려 놓을려면 아마 5000년 정도 온천에서 푹 쪄야할만큼 대까 지어있다.

거기다가 얘네들은 옷차림이 이게뭐냐?!?!?!?
They all dress like f__king skanks. 잠깐, 내가 뭘 잘몰라서 그러는데 너네도 어느정도 공부할려고 온거 아니냐? 나도 4인치 굽 구두를 엄청 좋아하기는 하지만 우리 캠퍼스가 얼마나 넓고 가파른 곳이 많은데 그걸 신고 수업을 듣냐? 아 맞다, 너네는 놀러 왔지. 하하하하하하아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아아ㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ

아니 근데 엄마, 진짜, 정말로, 나 Stanford이든 Johns Hopkins이든 precollege program 안들은거 얼마나 다행인지 몰라. Precollege programs are worthless. It's a moneymaking scheme for colleges. Seriously.

뭐, 암마한테 이렇게 얘기하고 나니까 좀 풀린것 같다. 이제 또 일하러 가야지.


2008년 7월 1일 화요일

I had my first drawing critique yesterday. My new motto is "두고보자," hahahahaaaaa. 선생이 절대 트집 잡지못하게 그려갈테니까 두고봅시다고~ 더 웃긴건 선생이 트집 잡으니까 나보다 못그리는 애들도 덩달아서 이게 싫다 저게 잘못됬다 맞장구친다. 헐.

I got a lot of compliments during 3D class, however. We had to contruct collage boxes with images flowing into each side seamlessly, and then we had to use that box as a layout to build an architectural 3D structure box. I went to the bank and opened my account. The fee for internaltional wire transfers are $20 bucks. I will be sending it to your email.

I'm also about to do laundry. I've been putting off doing it because it costs about 2 to 4 bucks total to do laundry here. This is ridiculous! I never had to pay to do laundry at MBC.

I have 2D homework.

2008년 6월 25일 수요일

P.S. The food is really good here. In case you were wondering mom, there's coffee at the dining hall available. So I'm not like, walking around campus with a Starbucks cup in my hand doing nothing. I have WAY TOO MUCH WORK to do that anyways. I'm completely serious. RISD is all SERIOUS BUSINESS and I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiike. I just wish I could wake up at normal hours though. I keep waking up at 5AM sharp no matter how late I end up going to bed.
I stayed at the school studio until midnight working on homework. This is insane. But I like it. But it's insane. I went with like, 5 people from my class so it wasn't dangerous. Plus, all the males on this campus are seriously homosexual. I'm just saying.

I am going to have very strong arms at the end of the year. I love life drawings. My class has once really fit male nude model and one "curvy" old nude model. THIS IS SO MUCH FUN but I don't think my drawing professors likes me very much. BEFORE YOU SEND ME AN EMAIL ABOUT HOW I SHOULD BE NICE, I need to say that I have REALLY kept my mouth shut and have been completely nice the entire time. She's just really _n_l retentive. :D

I have 3D design today from 8:30 AM to 4:30. And then I have to check out the nature room for even MORE HOMEWORK. AWESOME.

I also need more cash. I'm going to try and find where the scanners at this school are but serious art supplies are mind boggling. I'm asking around with other international students to figure out what kind of options they're using. Campus services are freaking idiots and only are open while Summer students have CLASSES. Dude, I'm just like, wtf, are you retarded?

2008년 6월 22일 일요일


드디더 인터넷이 연결이되었다!!!
지금 Providence은 9:22분이다. 시차때문인지 아침 5시정도에 칼같이 일어났다는. 하지만 하루종일 아무리 피곤해고 낮잠을 안자고 끝까지 벝텨내사 자랑스럽다. 내일 8:30에는 은 Summer Transfer Program Convocation 이다. 이때 대충 선생님들이랑 만나고 시간표받고 첫수업을 시작한다. 대학촌이라 필요한 물건들 사러 갔을때 그다지 불편하지는 않았지만 버스비도 물가도 꾀 비싸서 당황스러웠다. 오늘은 온 기숙사 식구들이 모여서 자기소개를하고 각자 청소하고 짐정리를 했다. 그리고 나서는 미술재료를 사러 나갔다. ㅠㅠ비싸다. 내일 시간 날때 international finances office 에 찾아가볼 생각이다. 오늘은 일요일이여서 사람이 없었으므로 건물이 어디있는지만 봐두고 왔다.

엄마 아빠 원선이 사랑해요.
조만간 사진들도 찍고 올릴게요!!