2008년 6월 25일 수요일

P.S. The food is really good here. In case you were wondering mom, there's coffee at the dining hall available. So I'm not like, walking around campus with a Starbucks cup in my hand doing nothing. I have WAY TOO MUCH WORK to do that anyways. I'm completely serious. RISD is all SERIOUS BUSINESS and I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiike. I just wish I could wake up at normal hours though. I keep waking up at 5AM sharp no matter how late I end up going to bed.
I stayed at the school studio until midnight working on homework. This is insane. But I like it. But it's insane. I went with like, 5 people from my class so it wasn't dangerous. Plus, all the males on this campus are seriously homosexual. I'm just saying.

I am going to have very strong arms at the end of the year. I love life drawings. My class has once really fit male nude model and one "curvy" old nude model. THIS IS SO MUCH FUN but I don't think my drawing professors likes me very much. BEFORE YOU SEND ME AN EMAIL ABOUT HOW I SHOULD BE NICE, I need to say that I have REALLY kept my mouth shut and have been completely nice the entire time. She's just really _n_l retentive. :D

I have 3D design today from 8:30 AM to 4:30. And then I have to check out the nature room for even MORE HOMEWORK. AWESOME.

I also need more cash. I'm going to try and find where the scanners at this school are but serious art supplies are mind boggling. I'm asking around with other international students to figure out what kind of options they're using. Campus services are freaking idiots and only are open while Summer students have CLASSES. Dude, I'm just like, wtf, are you retarded?

2008년 6월 22일 일요일


드디더 인터넷이 연결이되었다!!!
지금 Providence은 9:22분이다. 시차때문인지 아침 5시정도에 칼같이 일어났다는. 하지만 하루종일 아무리 피곤해고 낮잠을 안자고 끝까지 벝텨내사 자랑스럽다. 내일 8:30에는 은 Summer Transfer Program Convocation 이다. 이때 대충 선생님들이랑 만나고 시간표받고 첫수업을 시작한다. 대학촌이라 필요한 물건들 사러 갔을때 그다지 불편하지는 않았지만 버스비도 물가도 꾀 비싸서 당황스러웠다. 오늘은 온 기숙사 식구들이 모여서 자기소개를하고 각자 청소하고 짐정리를 했다. 그리고 나서는 미술재료를 사러 나갔다. ㅠㅠ비싸다. 내일 시간 날때 international finances office 에 찾아가볼 생각이다. 오늘은 일요일이여서 사람이 없었으므로 건물이 어디있는지만 봐두고 왔다.

엄마 아빠 원선이 사랑해요.
조만간 사진들도 찍고 올릴게요!!